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From October 25, 2024:
linux: Goodbye from a Linux community volunteer
↗︎ ↳The way this was done, the potential affects, and the community division already surging may very seriously challenge Linux into the future. This divide and conquer politic sees American empire (corporations) maintain software hegemony in the growing face of a FOSS alternative if we are not careful. Naturally, if maintainers have genuine ties to Putin’s war machine, they must go, but are we really doing whole nationalities? If so can we ban Israel next?—added 6:45am on 25/10/24 ❧
On forestalled innovation
—posted 24/10/24, tagged as innovation, capitalism, labour, suffering, invention.
I spent a little of my time today listening to other contemporary Marxists [1] – and then wondering about how to add to some aspects of their argument/s...
No Hezbollah assets found in Lebanon hospital facing Israeli bombing
↗︎ ↳Exactly how stupid are people not to understand that the genocidal Israel assert “terrorists” while destroying essential infrastructure that would slow their genocidal efforts?? Israel: the xenophobic, militaristic, and deeply fucked regime must be stopped. —added 6:12am on 24/10/24 ❧
Scientists warn of ‘societal collapse’ on Earth with worsening climate situation
↗︎ ↳I literally don’t understand why the air quotes. This is the most serious shit ever faced by humanity. And the capitalists just want more of the same 4° of warming here we fucking come. We’re all dead, even musk, if only those shit for brains capitalists cared at all. Clutching piles of cash as the world they created burns them and us alive. —added 3:57am on 24/10/24 ❧
Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics
↗︎ ↳Hegemonic complicity, etc. it’s already the next frontier of capitalism’s deliberate crisis resulting in fascist dictatorship. Again, keep the workers busy - suffering - while they profit, track, data mine, persecute, rape and pillage. —added 3:44am on 24/10/24 ❧
From October 23, 2024:
The campaign by out-of-touch elites to ban abortion is now a federal election issue
↗︎ ↳And this is exactly how the hegemony shapes common sense — it might not be mainstream now but it’s coming. And if it’s not wholly accepted, it creates another identity division to keep the proles busy. Either way the billionaires win and we lose. Fucking sick shit — healthcare is a human right. —added 8:42pm on 23/10/24 ❧
Encrypted Chat App ‘Session’ Leaves Australia After Visit From Police
↗︎ ↳In case you thought the Australian government wasn’t watching everything you do online, this chat app I’ve never heard of moved org to another country over surveillance demands, so… bet your icecream Meta gives everything straight to Albo. —added 8:37pm on 23/10/24 ❧