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mind reader is a blog and bookmarking project against capitalism. In our contemporary reality, capitalism and its capitalists loom large as dangerous figures – yet are often not perceived as such due to the crushing power of hegemony. This blog, based on the opinions of Aidan Cornelius-Bell, is an attempt at educational and radical praxis in the modern world. Think socialist zine but digital – and with less cool art.

The website deploys theory at the nexus of Marxist orthodoxy, Gramscian extensions, and through an SRT and intersectional lens both sorely needed against capitalist thought and to shake up heteronormative homogenous Marxist theory. Importantly, though, dispatches will depart from orthodoxy to expand theory in current real world contexts. In this way, the project contributes somewhat to the ongoing growth of the Marxist critique project started in the 1800s.

Things here are not supposed to be taken too seriously, and there are a boatload of disclaimers I could add. But note that for legal purposes any views expressed directly on this website are my own and not reflective of those of any employers, colleagues or affiliates. Links provided remain the views and intellectual property of their respective owners, and these owners may not endorse other views, comments or perspectives advanced on this website.

You can learn more about Aidan here. And if you need to get in touch you are welcome to contact them here.

This website runs on a linode vps in Sydney, Australia – Gadigal land. It is distributed globally by Cloudflare. The stack is hand made, leveraging a combination of MariaDB, Ruby on Rails, nginx, and myriad open source software atop Debian Linux. There’s RSS feeds available in all the right places, and an API which you can access on request.

Writings here are licensed for modification and redistribution, but not by corporations. Content may be included in AI data, but only if the eventual use is for non-commercial ends. Images are from Unsplash and fonts are from Adobe (though offlined to remove tracking).